Equatorial Guinea
Hello dudes! I going to talking about Equatorial Guinea, a country from Africa. In Equatorial Guinea the people speak Spanish, a great language. Equatorial Guinea its a little country located in the centre zone from Africa, in the Guinea golf. This country its independent since October 12, of the year 1968. This country its very special,
for being one of the few Spanish colonies in Africa, beside to Sahara occidental. its Capital is Malabo, but this country plans to build a new city, called Oyala, that that will be the new capital, a crazy project of the president of the country, well, a dictator, because has been the unique president of this country since the independency, this country used to be poor, but since that north American companies arrived to Equatorial Guinea to exploit petroleum this country is rich, even now have a PIB more high that Chile, but to difference of our country, well, similar to our country, the inequality is tremendous, but in this country is extreme, because the money from petroleum is of some few. Furthermore its life expectative is low, already of 50 years, to difference from Chile where exceeds the 70 years old.

I like this country, because may have a unique culture, a Spanish enclave from Africa, in the jungle, so far from my house, unknown for many people, maybe as geographer I will can work there, Its a Dream, haha maybe maybe someday , but well, for the moment I continue studying and reading blogs, good bay dudes!
I never thougt that you would write about Equatorial Guinea, you are a crazy genius, ha ha ha, prepare for the Africa´s heat, and now I know how you think become rich, you plan to exploit the petroleum from that country and so to become millionaire.